Monday, March 20, 2006

The Heart vs Work

I went to see the doctor this morning about some pains I've been having in my chest and left arm. I immediately chalked it up to something to do with my heart obviously and it scared the shit out of me.

However, apparently my heart is fine, i'm in good shape (although I need to drop some weight), and my blood pressure is good. The problem: Stress.

Apparently, stress is rapidly becoming one of the most common reasons that people have heart problems, high blood pressure, migrains, etc. The hours I work, the job situation, family problems, single parenthood, and many other contributing factors have finally pushed my Stress threshold to the limit where my body is giving me a very clear warning. Stop it or die.

I've decided that I'm going to look into another position with another company. Something with daytime hours, and not as much corporate crap. There will always be stress I think in any job, but I can at the very least minimize it as much as possible. My doctor is going to see me again on Thursday, and on his recommendation he is giving me a letter to allow me to leave my job for stress related reasons. He's actually broached this with me last November when I went to see him about pains in my chest, and he's happy to do it now.

The issue for me is leaving a position because of stress. I feel kind of wimpy to be honest. Real men don't leave there jobs because of stress do they? I mean, shit, if I lost an arm stress. I'm trying to justify it all and I'm really having a hard time with it. It means that I'll have to go on Unemployment for a bit until I secure another position (which I could do immediately if need be), but I may just take a month or two to catch up and get healthy. Get some sleep finally and relax.

Doohead had a great blog about something similiar (check it out if you haven't read it, link to the right of my blog) and I responded then, before this happened this morning, and it really just enforces my belief now.

You can't really put much stock in statistics but here is a very good read about stress and what it can do to you if not taken seriously: Great Work Related Stress read .

After my little bout with chest pains this morning...I'm taking this shit seriously now.

If you feel or have felt this type of stress, you've had chest pains, depression, anxiety, or get sick often. GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!.

Seth the Stressed.


Argrow Images said...

Hi Seth.

Thanks for your comment on my blog.
I used to live in Monaco for few months.Now I'm living in Switzerland.

I saw pictures of your daughters -
you really happy man.
For me, it's just my dream - to have a daughter.

About stress and depression,
I think your're right, we need
a rest sometimes.

Try to read J.K.Jerom -Three Men
in a Boat to Say Nothing of the Dog. He wrote there-"Change of scene and absence of the nessesity for thought will restore the mental
equilibrium".Very funny book.

Thanks, Alexander.
P.S. Will be glad to have more chats with you.

FindingHeart said...

Gonna have to echo Ted here. A real man doesn't give a shit about what other men may think. Your health is important because it directly relates to the quality of life you give your daughters. Stress is real and the biggest stressors just happen to be divorce, single parenting, difficult work hours, and assholes at work. (Okay, I made the last one up, but what the heck.)

Kudos for seeing the doc. Hope something works out in the work realm soon.