Thursday, May 04, 2006

The End of an Era

I'm free! I've finally mustered up the courage (liquid as it may be) and left my job for something much better.

The management at my old job was a group of terrible, untrained, clique', bunch of idiots. There was just too much dissention within the ranks and they did very little to end it, and much to keep it at its peak.

They gave out $3000 dollar bonuses to some, none to others. This wasn't based on anything other than the fact they were trying to build morale. Which, obviously, wasn't the case. They gave raises to some and not others, and of course those that got them couldn't keep it secret, so the others that didn't got angered. (I happened to receive both). The stress and hostility in that place could be cut with a knife, and I'm actually suprised it wasn't.

My new position is a work from home Mentoring position. The pay is approx $1000 less, but with the cost of driving, food, and babysitters, I'm going to come out ahead. I'll get to use my home office as my work space, I can move to any city in Canada and work now. So FINALLY, Ottawa here I come again baby!!!!

Things are looking up, of course change is a bit scary, but I laugh in the face of err..scary.



FindingHeart said...

Hell Yeah, Brother! This sounds GREAT! How much longer until Ottowa?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Seth! Good luck in Ottawa.