Tuesday, December 18, 2007

World of Warcraft: The Game you Love to Hate

Like 9.3 million of us around the world I'm one of those that enjoys playing World of Warcraft as my choice of entertainment. I don't watch tv much anymore, I prefer a more interactive form of entertainment.

I have made many friends in-game, and I have had quite a bit of fun as well. However, recently things have started to get stale for me as far as the game goes. The imbalances with certain classes, the fact that 95% of the player base will never be able to experience most of the Raid content, constant changes to class balance, gameplay, and items, and the lack of any real customer support have turned me off of the game.

If you read the forums it is one big morass of unhappy gamers and it doesn't seem that Blizzard really cares. Many of their fixes are poorly thought out, poorly implemented, and pretty much a waste of everyones time and energy. A good example of this is the afk solution, putting the onus on reporting of the AFK'ers on the players themselves. If that weren't bad enough they allow those with the AFK debuff to maintain and keep the honor that they accrued up until they were reported. It's ridiculous.

I don't know too many players any more that are playing the game for enjoyment, they play because they are either addicted, it's part of their routine, or they spent so much time leveling their characters they don't want to give them up.

Now some people do enjoy the game though, and I think for the most part those folks are newer to the game and still enjoying the initial fun that the game offered to the rest of us. The newness that an MMO of WoW's stature gives to those looking for a fun Onliine experience.

I've decided that I'm most likely not going to continue my subscription, that gives me another 2 months of play time, and if things haven't changed by then I'll go and try something new.

It's funny because this game was allot of fun at one time, the communities were all enjoying it, the pvp aspect was a blast, and it was full of laughs and fun. Now it's work, grinding for rep/honor, pointless quests, ridiculous requirements for mounts/epics, and content that no one but the most well geared can even begin to explore.

Until then I'm going to play and try and find something enjoyable to do while I'm there.

- Rob

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1 comment:

Evilcc said...

I can completly understand where you are coming from. Although the game still holds fun aspects for me, i have only been playing for a little over a year. But i still have days when it frustrates me. Although the game is part of a routine for me i can still walk away when i need to. I too have enjoyed the new friend si have made and would miss them if i didn't talk to them often. And although i would miss you terribly if you left, you have to do what you need to do to have fun. You were the first person to tell me that. So i hope in the next 2 months that you find a new love for the game...lol...i understand if you need to leave.