Wednesday, July 06, 2011

High Cost of Iphone Contracts: 3 Year Contracts Please Go Away

I am a self admitted techno-geek. If there is a new product on the market that has that, "OMFG I must have it!!" factor, odds are I'll sell a kidney to try and get it.

Something that is driving me crazy, mainly because of our Canadian culture of sit back and do nothing, is the high costs and legalized theft of Rogers Communications Iphone/Smartphone contracts and data plans.

At the time I bought my Iphone 3GS, Rogers was the only company that offered a packacke deal with an unlimited data plan, that has since changed and other companies have joined in to cash in on our Canadian lack of motivation to protest.

So here is a rough example of my cost in relation to my ability to communicate with my Iphone:

Downpayment: $320/(with a 3 Year Contract)
Monthly Bill: $120 (incl: Taxes & Fees)/3 years

Note: This is the minimum package the time of purchase there were only two plans available and this is the lowest cost package)

120 x 48 = 5760

So for 3 years of cell phone use it will cost me roughly $6080.

Ponder that for a moment...that is a HUGE cost to keep and use a Cellphone. And don't even think about trying to bail out on your contract early...the Rogers phone Nazi's will be calling you ad nauseum threating you and your entire family (including any Goldfish) with the wrath of Debt Collector Hell if you even remotely consider cancelling it.

So for the price of a second hand have the option of grabbing yourself a high tech cell phone for 3 years.

Now...after talking to other folks, and after doing some research, I have decided to write my MP a long and detailed explnation of why I am frustrated with current Mobility Contracts. I also asked for an explanation of how this legalized theft can be allowed (read: Lack of Competition and Regulation). I'm not very hopeful that I'm going to receive an answer and if I do, I'm sure it will be more Political doublespeak, but I'm hopeful that I'm not the only person out there that is pissed off over this.

Well...until next time: Text me!!


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