Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Cars and the Companies that Build Them

I was reading about the recent GM employee buyouts and early retirement offerings with a bit of skepticism. Not from a corporate or economic view but from an overall perspective of business in the US.

Much of the innovation that is ongoing for automotive makers is coming from Europe of Asia. Most of the automobiles that are being purchased are not the big SUV gas guzzling beasts that are the North American standard money winner. With the cost of fuel on the rise, and no hint of it slowing in the near future, it's time for American companies to wake up and smell the coffee. We are in a global oil crisis, and it's only going to get worse. The type of automobiles that are created must reflect this.

My question is where are all the true hybrids? Where is all of the innovation for new types of fuels? Why aren't these automobiles flying out of the dealerships?

One big reason is that they aren't worth it yet. They aren't true hybrids for the most part (some exceptions apply), and they still require gas.

I would love to see new fuel options available (cooking oil anyone?) . I'd love to see some new modern vehicles (ones that are truly awe inspiring) come down in price. A good example of what I'm talking about is the new Pontiac Solstice which I can see would be a HUGE success if they can manage to keep the price down.

I currently own a 2001 Ford Tauras SE 6cylinder family car. Let me tell you, this sucker is HELL on fuel. I have owned Ford vehicles for the last 3 cars that I've had. This will be my last one. I am strongly considering picking up a new hybrid Toyota or even a Honda. I'm in the market now for a car, and will soon start researching vehicles in my price range. I'm a bit skeptical to be honest about my choices.

Many people are losing their jobs in North America due to outsourcing and such, but many others are losing their jobs to the fact that some companies just are not on the ball as to what their customers want. When they finally do luck into something that is a hit, they over price it to the point that many who had considered it won't purchase it anymore, and go on to a less expensive alternative, that actually is quite comparitive in all departments.

I feel so bad for people losing their jobs for reasons such as this. It's terrible.



FindingHeart said...

There was a consumer-minded report last year that discussed the false nature behind our hybrid cars. The Hummers are selling hand over fist so we have to act like we care by offering a hybrid SUV that is minimally better than it's gas counterpart. I hate to be in line with conspiracy theorists, but I firmly believe that if we weren't so attached to oil revenue, then you would see a huge selection of revenue-making alternative fuel cars. Hell, we have alchohol fueled cars, propane vehicles, mostly electric cars, etc. and most of these do a great job at decreasing oil dependence and increasing gas milage. Yet the push for acceptance of these ideas remains weak while we hype a gas guzzler that has an extra electrical component that 'saves some gas'. It's going to bite us hard in the ass one day.

Anonymous said...

Ya everyone should have an electric (or other) types of cars right now, but the oil companies are still too big in our economy even though they have recognized that they are a dieing breed. They are going to milk us for everything we have right up to the last drop of oil before they finally close up shop! And until then they are going to influence the entire automobile industry to continue to push out vehicles that still uses their oil.