Saturday, March 25, 2006

Tunage Extremicus

"...and if you leave me...Furious Angels shall bring you back to me." Rob Dougan.

For all of you out there that are like me and love to listen to new music I've found some pretty darn good tunes to listen to.

Furious Angels - Rob Dougan
Black Brick Road - Lake of Tears (EXCELLENT)
Stone the Crow - Down
Vindicated - Dashboard Confessionals
Slow Chemical - Finger Eleven
Nothing at All - Rob Dougan
Furnace Room Lullabye - Neko Case and her Boyfriends
Time for People - Atomship
Put your lights on - Everlast Santana
Ordinary - Train
Release - Anathema

These are just a few of the tunes that I'm listening to at the moment, give them a try, you will like I'm sure.

My saturday plans kind of went up in smoke when the folks decided to take off for the evening, lol. So no babsitter. I've been going through my 100+ gigs of music and put together a few good cd's. I'm one of those people that has to have music no matter what they are doing.

If you're one of those, toss some songs my way, let me know the Artist, the Song Title, and possibly the album.



FindingHeart said...

Post some more tunes. My tunes are only at 9G and there is a lot of VeggieTales and old tunes I rarely listen to. Need a more contemporary collection, but my neice is my only source for 'current tunes' and she delves into club music. Hope the health food is treating you well!

my latest additions: Blue October (on iTunes SXSW mix), Rob Schnieder "Loneland" and "I'm Good Now", and Joe Satriani. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hey Seth whats up I just ran across your blog and thought I'd recommend a band I just saw at the Taste of Chaos tour over here in San Jose California. They are called Millionare I'm not sure where they where from I wanna say Chicago or New York but I'm not sure any way if you get the chance check them out .

Stephen Grey said...

Was "Dawn of a New Day" from the Cathedral song?

You might also like Skepticism. Also Disembowelment.