Monday, January 14, 2008

Officer Training, Kids, and Emotions

I recevied some good news last week in that after going in for my initial interview for the Air force as an ACIS specialist as a non-commissioned member of our Canadian Forces, that due to my very high aptitude score and my educational background the Captain wanted me to apply to the Airfield Engineering branch as an Officer.

The meeting actually consisted of me walking into the office, the Captain telling me that they were going to postpone my interview based on his opinion that I would be much better off going that route that the one I had chosen. Originally when I went in this is exactly what I was looking to do, but I was told that due to my age, and the fact that i don't have a completed University degree that I would have to go as a non-commissioned member (which I have no problems doing really).

I have decided to take this opportunity and on the 16th of Jan/08, I go for an Officer Interview which of course is much tougher than what I was in for before. So I will be doing quite a bit of study over the next two days. I will most likely ship out in February.

The girls seem to have calmed down now with the arguing and scrapping, I'm glad I was getting frustrated with the name calling and snarkiness. School is back in and they are back into the normal rhythm of things. Jecynda is starting to concern me because she is showing some signs of emotional distress from my break-up from my girlfriend. She is being more clutch towards our pets, she asks more questions about her mother now, she asks me when I'll date again and find her a mom, and she seems to be a bit more emotional about relationships in general. I've tried to talk to her about it, but there isn't really much I can do. I'm in emotional shape to take on another relationship and I really don't want to have that sort of headache at this point anyways.

I've been beyond stressed for this last few months due to money worries (being laid off sucks big time), also the situation with Jecynda, the fact that in a month or so I'll be leaving them for about 13 weeks, normal life concerns like bills, food, rent, dating, and such. I didn't realize how stressed I've actually been lately but it seems things for me are starting to build up. I've decided to start taking walks with Winter and trying to piece things out in my head. Although, allot of things are coming together now for me, there are still things that I have to deal with on an emotional level as well as an intellectual level.

This new career of mine means that I have to go back to University and finish off my degree, it means getting back into shape (roughly a loss of 30 pounds), it means moving and making new friends for both myself and the girls, and it means allot of new changes in lifestyle. This is allot for us all to have to deal with in a short time, but something that is necessary.

I hope I have the strength to pull this all off. I feel like this is my last chance to make things right in our lives.


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1 comment:

Evilcc said...

I wanted you to know that I completely understand where you are coming from. Things have been stressful for me and true to form i have been pushing them done. You are a great guy and i comend you for all that you do. I know its not easy being a single mom so i imagine being the single a dad of girls is tough too. You are doing the right thing right now and im proud that you are going to be an officer. Good luck with the interview tomorrow. You'll do great. And everything comes full circle so things will get better. Your daughter is at an age i remember well coming from a divorced family. We wanted my dad to remarry as well. You'll getthere when its right for you and in the end you'll daughter will understand. Keep staying strong and just remembeer im here for you if you need to talk. And thanks for all the support.