Monday, May 16, 2011

Tired of Giving Second Chances

So, as I've mentioned in previous blogs...I'm a very liberal parent. I'm of the opinion that you have to give your kids some slack and let them learn lessons on their own for the most part. You can offer advice until your blue in the face, but until they actually see/feel the consequences of there decisions, it doesn't sink in.

When my daughters mess up, we will sit down and we will talk it out. Depending on the severity of the breach, I may tag on a grounding for a week as well. However, they always have their say, they have the ability to talk to me about why they did what they did, and I talk to them about why I feel the way I do. Almost always do we reach an understanding and we go about our business.

Well, over the past year, I have felt that I have been giving them more and more chances to make things right. Yet, they continue to make the same bad choices in regards to a few areas.

A prime example would be skipping school. Now, I've told them that class attendance is a priority for me and that I don't want them missing school. However, I have also told them that there are times when I realize they just don't feel like going, or they are feeling very stressed out, and that it would be ok for them to take a "day off" so to speak. The problem is though, that my eldest has been missing allot of classes lately to go off and visit with her boyfriend. (She's not sexually active thank god)

I've decided that I'm not going to give a second chance (or 50th) this time as I had the principal call me and discuss with me how many classes she has missed over the last week. I've decided that I'm going to ground her for a week, that she will catch up on all her missed work, and that she is not allowed to hang out with her boyfriend for the entirety of that week.

I'm starting to think, that being too lenient lately is coming back to bite me in the ass, and that it might be time for me to make sure they know that the rules I have in place are not negotiable.

Hopefully, after this she will realize that the behavior she is showing has consequences and will stop. If not....I'm going to buy a taser. :o)


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